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802.11 Standardization

Is there anyone today dare to say that he’s unfamiliar with wireless? Television, radio, cell phones, remote control, alarm, cordless phone, XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 controller, are just small part of the wireless technology.It’s true that wireless can’t replace every cable in the world, such as electric cable (no wireless power or wireless electricity generator so you will still need cable or battery to get electricity) but the benefit of wireless is indeed, undoubtly.Wireless technology is very suitable to replace mouse cables, Local Area Network cable and even Wide Area Netwok. The wireless technology implemented for each of them is different, depends on the distance it covers.Roughly, the stronger a wireless device is, the bigger distance it can cover, and the bigger power it will need as well. You don’t want your cell phone to run out of battery in one minute after you activated the wireless network right? You also don’t want your wireless mouse designed bigger than a coconut.While I learn about networking, feels like there’s no other standardization more confusing than wireless network’s standardization. At first, I thought that the wireless protocol standardization 802.11a must be the first standardization, followed by 802.11b, and the last one, 802.11g, must be the latest. A very wrong thought!There’s an article about the 802.11 standard and its variations by Donald Maurer. It explains the standardization of the 802.11 wireless technology and its details. Which is the first standardization of wireless network technology? Which is the fastest? What are the pros and cons for each of the standardization? There’s also a comparison between wireless network and wired Ethernet network.Why there should be standardization?For a technology used massively, standardization is a must to avoid incompatibility of different vendors’ technology. Different hardware vendors can work together. You won’t be happy when your laptop’s wireless can only be connected to the same brand. Also, additional hardware vendors can make compatible accessories for every brand, based on the standardization.
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