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I Miss You ......!!!

I Miss You ......!!

When daylight turns to a darkened hue,
The lovely stars hinting at you,
Ur heart beat tells you something true,
That some 1 badly missing you!!

I would write on all the bricks
I miss you
And hope that 1 falls on your head
So you know how it hurts
To miss someone special like you

Flower says:touch me not
Message says:Erase me not
Time says:Waste me not
And I says........ ....
Forget me NoT

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in Ur absence I feel U near
Our relation is strong..hope it goes long
We will remain the same till the life goes on!

Tumhae paana chahu,
Tumae khoya hua paavu;
Tumhae paas chahu,
Magar dhoor jaathae paavu.
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